The utilization of energy efficiency and renewable energy directly saves costs in your company. Therefore, the profit margin of your company is increased and products can be offered at lower prices compared to your competitors.
kleinkraft helps its customers to identifiy energy efficiency and renewable energy measures.
A public funding often makes the difference regarding the economic feasibility of an investment. In the area of energy efficiency and renewable energy, many public funding possibilities are available.
kleinkraft helps its customers in identifiying the fitting public funding programme for planned activities and measures.
Businesses and private persons more and more aim to purchase environmentally friendly products or services. Reducing CO2 emissions and actively contributing towards the energy transition is an investment in the future.
kleinkraft helps its customers to save CO2 emissions through energy efficiency measures and renwable energy integration, thus making the customers companies sustainable.
Do good things and talk about them. Projects that improve the sustainability of production lines and companies are especially well suited for communication to the public. Indirect advertisement via awards and news articles, as well as via social media channels, results in the company being held in high esteem by the general public.
kleinkraft helps its customers with the application for awards and distributon of this indirect advertisement.
Worldwide agreements aim to foster the global energy transition. Especially in Europe, new laws and regulations are expected within the next years. A first example for this is the energy efficiency law, which indirectly obliges companies to reduce energy consumption.
kleinkraft helps its customers adapt to these new laws and regulations, in a timely and cost-efficient manner.
The future of energy prices and prices for CO2 certificates can be concerning for industrial companies. The utilization of energy efficient and renewable technology offers the possibility for long term planning with constant and predictable costs.
kleinkraft provides its customers with expert knowledge in utilizing these technologies.